OUR MUSE: ELYSE TAYLOR Skip to content


Meet Elyse Taylor, our current muse and face of our latest collection, Rolling Hideaway. A New York transplant, Australian model Elyse has been on our dream model list for some time now. We’ve always looked to her for her perfectly effortless style, followed her cheeky walks for Victoria’s Secret, and of course inspiration to not skip our chaturangas in yoga class.

Always on the go as a model and mother, Elyse carries herself with such ease and fun. Something we love about all our muses. Read on to get to know Elyse a bit better… like who inspires her and even what her favorite question is, because pizza.

You’re the current face of Amuse Society (congrats, btw!) and have been the face of numerous other campaigns. How did you first get into modeling? What’s the best memory you have from your career to-date?

My girlfriend took me into her agency one day, and they ended up signing me on the spot. My best modeling memories, aside from shooting Amuse in Byron Bay (mean it), are probably my Vogue covers, or the many Victoria's Secret swim trips we used to do.

You are also a mother (to beautiful Lila). Any tips for other working and traveling mamas?

For traveling mothers without their babies, an amazing support team is most important! Also, always try to find balance, and sleep when you can!

You were just all over Sydney Fashion Week. For those of us not in the industry, share something that we might not know about Fashion Week in general.

It's as weird and as crazy as it looks.

Tell us one thing that people might be surprised to know about you.

I cry every single time I watch a movie on a plane. Without fail!

What is one question you wish people asked you in interviews?

About my favorite food, which is pizza.

What is your go to look for day? For night?

Jeans/shirt, clean and casual. For night, it depends what I'm doing, but usually a dress.

What is your favorite look from this Amuse campaign?

Obsessed with the Violet Romper in Wild Rose.

What are you listening to right now?

5 different Pandora playlists, I don't even know anymore…

Who is your ultimate fashion muse?

Usually just my friends in the industry inspire me.

What does it mean to you to be part of the Amuse Society family?

It's honestly such a nice feeling, since prior to shooting I was already such a fan of Amuse and Byrdie (Mack, campaign photographer and Society girl). It was totally worth flying to Australia just for one day ;-)

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